Seriously… Anthony Weiner… sometimes the comics just write themselves.

1 comment

  1. Thank you, Vince! I know stuff like this is hard to read, seeing it has no piuretcs to go with it But, most people entering in a business expect profits from day one, and that’s just not gonna happen in most cases. There a lucky few (with emphasis on lucky ) that make money right away, but it is not the norm. Banks don’t even want to talk to you until you have several years under your belt and are making like $10,000 a month (in total billings, not income). Been there, done that.Patience is the word and a PLAN to survive those first few years. It’s not easy. My family has sacrificed a TON of things these past few years as I got my comic career started. I have a long way to go too, but I can see some improvements in cash as well this year, and it’s my third year of doing the comic this year. See, it really works!

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